Opening address: Paraconsistent logic
Newton C.A. da Costa
Logic and Logical Philosophy 7 (1999) s. 25-34 -
On the problem of Jaskowski and the logics of Lukasiewicz
Jerzy Kotas, Newton C.A. da Costa
Bulletin of the Section of Logic , 7 /2 (1978) s. 91 -
Incomplete satisfiability problems
Newton C.A. da Costa, F.A. Doria
Bulletin of the Section of Logic , 22 /4 (1993) s. 150-157 -
A note on temporal logic
Newton C.A. da Costa, S. French
Bulletin of the Section of Logic , 18 /2 (1989) s. 51-121 -
On the existence of very difficult satisfiability problem
Newton C.A. da Costa, F.A. Doria
Bulletin of the Section of Logic , 21 /4 (1992) s. 122-133 -
k-transforms in classical and paraconsistent logics
Newton C.A. da Costa, Roque da C. Caiero
Logic and Logical Philosophy 7 (1999) s. 63-80 -
Relations between paraconsistent logic and many-valued logic
Newton C.A. da Costa, Elias H. Alves
Bulletin of the Section of Logic , 10 /4 (1981) s. 185-190 -
Carnot's logic
Newton C.A. da costa, Jean-Yves Beziau
Bulletin of the Section of Logic , 22 /3 (1993) s. 98-105 -
Logic with deontic and legal modalities : preliminary account
Leila Z. Puga, Newton C.A. da Costa
Bulletin of the Section of Logic , 16 /2 (1987) s. 71-75 -
The undecidability of formal definitions in the theory of finite groups
Newton C.A. da Costa, F.A. Doria, Marcelo Tsuji
Bulletin of the Section of Logic , 24 /2 (1995) s. 56-63 -
Od medycznego nauczania w XVII w. do Portugalskiego Towarzystwa Chemicznego na początku XX w.
Antonio M. Amorim Da Costa
Analecta : studia i materiały z dziejów nauki , 7 /1 (13) (1998) s. 115-147 -
Machado de Assis hoje: o leitor entre o livro e a HQ
Patrícia Kátia da Costa Pina
Itinerarios. Revista de estudios lingüísticos, literarios, históricos y antropológicos /12 (2010) s. 261-276 -
On Set Theory as a Foundation for Computer Science
F.A. Doria, N.C.A. da Costa
Bulletin of the Section of Logic , 33 /1 (2004) s. 33-40 -
The limits of the site-specifc in the work of Regina Silveira
Martinho Alves da Costa Junior
World Art Studies 16 (2016) s. 251-256 -
The universe, human and growth: Charles S. Peirce’s contributions to a culture of love
Tiago da Costa e Silva
Studia Kulturoznawcze /1 (7) (2015) s. 213-225 -
Problem reprezentacji w teoriach poznania ucieleśnionego
Natika Newton
Avant : pismo awangardy filozoficzno-naukowej , [3] /T (2012) s. 66-82 -
Izaak Newton
Zagadnienia Filozoficzne w Nauce /8 (1986) s. 88-98 -
Wzorce ról
Esther Newton
Teksty Drugie : teoria literatury, krytyka, interpretacja /5 (137) (2012) s. 70-85