A Note on Decision Problems for Implicational Sequent Calculi
Norihiro Kamide
Bulletin of the Section of Logic , 30 /3 (2001) s. 129-138 -
A Simplified Semantics for a Fragment of Intuitionistic Linear Logic
Norihiro Kamide
Bulletin of the Section of Logic , 32 /3 (2003) s. 123-129 -
A Relationship Between Rauszer's H-B Logic and Nelson's Logic
Norihiro Kamide
Bulletin of the Section of Logic , 33 /4 (2004) s. 237-249 -
Cut-free Single-succedent Systems Revisited
Norihiro Kamide
Bulletin of the Section of Logic , 34 /3 (2005) s. 165-175 -
A Cut-free System for 16-Valued Reasoning
Norihiro Kamide
Bulletin of the Section of Logic , 34 /4 (2005) s. 213-225 -
An Equivalence Between Sequent Calculi for Linear-Time Temporal Logic
Norihiro Kamide
Bulletin of the Section of Logic , 35 /4 (2006) s. 187-193 -
Temporalizing Linear Logic
Norihiro Kamide
Bulletin of the Section of Logic , 36 /3-4 (2007) s. 173-182 -
Strong Normalization of Program-Indexed Lambda Calculus
Norihiro Kamide
Bulletin of the Section of Logic , 39 /1-2 (2010) s. 65-78 -
An Embedding-Based Completeness Proof for Nelson's Paraconsistent Logic
Norihiro Kamide
Bulletin of the Section of Logic , 39 /3-4 (2010) s. 205-214 -
Extended full computation-tree logics for paraconsistent model checking
Norihiro Kamide
Logic and Logical Philosophy , 15 /3 (2006) s. 251-276 -
Temporal non-commutative logic: Expressing time, resource, order and hierarchy
Norihiro Kamide
Logic and Logical Philosophy , 18 /2 (2009) s. 97-126 -
Natural deduction systems for some non-commutative logics
Norihiro Kamide, Motohiko Mouri
Logic and Logical Philosophy , 16 /2-3 (2007) s. 105-146 -
Symmetric and dual paraconsistent logics
Norihiro Kamide, Heinrich Wansing
Logic and Logical Philosophy , 19 /1-2 (2010) s. 7-30