From Ternary to Tetrary?
Vladimir L. Vasyukov
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Implicative logics in categories
Vladimir L. Vasyukov
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Implicative logics, sequential deductive systems and exponential multicategories
Vladimir L. Vasyukov
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The bibinary semantics for R and Lω
Vladimir L. Vasyukov
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T-F-toposes for Lukasiewicz's infinite-valued logics
Vladimir L. Vasyukov
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A new axiomatization of Jaśkowski's discussive logic
Vladimir L. Vasyukov
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Materiały polskie w Rosyjskim Archiwum Państwowym Marynarki Wojennej w Sankt-Petersburgu
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Опыт пастырского душепопечения священномученика Серафима (Остроумова), архиепископа Смоленского
Vladimir Amel'čenkov
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The “Night Battle” of Singara: Whose Victory?
Vladimir Dmitriev
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W natarciu czy na tarczy?
Vladimir Macura
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Czeska prasa konserwatywna
Vladimir Petrilak
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Przysięga w postępowaniu dowodowym narodów słowiańskich do końca XV w.
Vladimir Procházka
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Biela légia ako forma rezistencie proti totalitnému režimu
Vladimir Varinský
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Czarna ceramika na ziemiach Czeskich
Vladimir Scheufler
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L’ego intermédiaire ou l’authentification de la terreur
Vladimir Lifschutz
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Some problems of the imports of the early Roman period in Bohemia
Vladimir Sakař
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